I made a lengthy and reasoned response to a comment obviously very upset against "pampering" normaliens , but I think it deserves a longer development than 4000 characters, even splitting into two parts. The issue seems to me entirely fair: what is the legitimacy of the ENS to exist?
Subject-river, which will take several posts, so as not to impose a lengthy development: not excellent Master Eolas wants. I publish therefore first today, then the other two with an interval of two days each time, not that I'm trying to "subtly" spread the messages to support the attendance of this blog, but simply that I'm leaving tomorrow Italy for a little less than a week and I can not immediately respond to comments.
But, since each message will have a thematic unit (now a little history and then Relations between the ENS and the University and finally a larger question about the university and the French school system - yes, I know, I do not fly the elbow !), You will not have to wait for the reasoning for comment.
Once back, I'll put links between messages, the way of what I did for my translation of an article by AJ Woodman .
Here lets go.
Blame the Ecole Normale Superieure
often blamed for the Grandes Ecoles to form parallel university systems that have therefore relatively little reason to be, since there are already in college and could or should be quite sufficient. In an egalitarian vision (which, I must admit, I like a lot) where everyone would go through college and would be proven, they appear in fact as a symbol of insufferable elitism, which does not deign s lowering up study on the same benches as "populist" (one of the few expressions trigger in me a tremendous desire to hit the person who comes to pronounce it). This is the famous "school which says normal and feels superior" Paul Nizan (oh no! Not Sartre!), Himself Normale elsewhere.
Let's start with a brief history on why it was created.
the beginning was the teacher of teachers.
Initially, the ENS has been created to train teachers who would form ... teachers.
Let me explain: before, to be a teacher at all, you spend the assistance of the Normal School of Teachers (which later became the IUFM and now that it's supposed to have disappeared, I do not know what it's called), if you were accepted, it was a sacred social promotion for students in good working and middle classes in school, even over the certificate of studies.
But the question arose of who was going to train these future Instits? He was Teacher of teachers, so we created the Ecole Normale Superior (who was so superior because it was located above the Normal School for short). Of course, this summary is very fast: in the corner where a historian who wants to make a more detailed discussion, it is welcome.
was entered on the school competition, which, I repeat, is, whatever one thinks of the Republican principle of meritocracy: it is the best at the end of the ordeal that integrate and not those relationships (as might be the case with a recruitment desk: you take the boys, the son of ..., etc.).. Whether you are the son of working-class or aristocratic, if you're good, you have the same opportunities to enter than any other candidate, no more, no less (do not start screaming, we're here in the theory ; we will then discuss the veracity of this principle in practice).
Once you had entered, the state considered (and still believes) that you represent the elite of the school system and, therefore, you pay in exchange for a pledge to pay back for ten years, working for it or by refunding all monies collected (that is what I presented here ).
Later developments.
Then what happened is that the "Teacher Teacher" being increasingly driven to officiate at the university, especially as there were the teachers of middle and high school to form, the number of ENS were divided between those destined to secondary education and those who decided to do research and teach in college. Needless to deny: today, most of us choose the university and is a teaching to do research that we issued. Suddenly, the SLA began to truly represent a "competitor" of the university to train members of the elite Republican in general, and future researchers in particular.
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